We create authentic brand strategy, marketing communications, digital and social media strategies that engage customers, inspire loyalty and drive revenue.

Our lofty vision

We would love to be known for creating transformative brand interactions that engage the conscious consumerspread joy and bring prosperity and abundance to all those we interact with.

we're on a Mission

We are obsessed with developing authentic, values-led marketing strategies for businesses with integrity.

We support organisations that help make this world run smoothly, add value and joy to people's lives while respecting this beautiful environment we all live in. These are the brands that deserve to have their story told and our help to create prosperity for the owners, stakeholders and those who work in the businesses.

So this is what we do, we step up and use our skills and expertise and create effective strategies based on commitment to people, the planet, and sustainable revenue growth.

We are proud of what we do and we enjoy working with likeminded people.  So if this gives you a buzz and you feel like we could be a good match then swipe right and see how we can help you out.

Our Founding director

Izania Downie is a senior marketing & business development strategist, company director and business coach with a strong background in developing brands and transforming businesses. After graduating from the University of Auckland with a Bachelor of Commerce in Marketing and Management she spent 13yrs in London working in business tourism and technology and has since returned home to spend time with family in Auckland. She is driven by a desire to enhance the community she lives in through sharing her skills to help businesses engage the conscious consumer through authentic brand, marketing & digital strategies. 

It’s about being where your unique customers are, at the right moment and inspiring them to engage with your business by being useful, informative and demonstrating value and integrity through clear impactful messaging.
— Izania Downie, Director
Izania Downie

What We offer

Talk to us to find out how we can help grow your business. Find out more

Izania is very detail oriented and able to oversee a wide range of high level marketing and strategic projects at the same time. She is highly analytical and able to critically look at the viability of projects when it comes to issues of cost versus benefit. She effectively led the set up and implementation of the relaunched website, development of new products and services, digital strategy & mobile app.
— Max Busby, Designer, Roam